fc319f7162Introduced option for running autoPyLoT without location routine, if parameter nllocbin in autoPyLoT.in is not set.
Ludger Küperkoch
2015-10-28 09:13:13 +0100
43d243e0a1Same for multiple event processing.
Ludger Küperkoch
2015-10-27 16:53:11 +0100
6676484a61Debuged: Avoids writing multiple LOCFILES-command lines if same event is processed several times.
Ludger Küperkoch
2015-10-27 16:51:42 +0100
55d3692f33New parameters phasefile, locfile and ttpattern for auomatic modifying NLLoc-control file.
Ludger Küperkoch
2015-10-27 10:03:40 +0100
a315384417New function writephases.py for writing phases files for various kinds of location routines. Started with NLLoc-phase file.
Ludger Küperkoch
2015-10-27 10:01:07 +0100
0223869df6commit after recover of scripts from .pyc: implementation of buttons for plotAllPicks/region object, printOutput to figure window, refreshing now with SNR, PE, SPE
Marcel Paffrath
2015-10-21 13:35:02 +0200
eb873fd69fcommit after recover of scripts from .pyc: code cleanup after transfer of functions to survey methods
Marcel Paffrath
2015-10-21 13:33:47 +0200
52e304b0afcommit after recover of scripts from .pyc: repick button for .plot_traces implemented
Marcel Paffrath
2015-10-21 13:33:11 +0200
2b3e40b3b6commit after recover of scripts from .pyc: figure refreshing of plotAllPicks, cbar, survey.recover()
Marcel Paffrath
2015-10-21 13:30:55 +0200
0064ff1889Merge branch 'develop' of ariadne.geophysik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de:/data/git/pylot into developSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2015-10-20 12:02:01 +0200
7120a20499changed vtk file structure for vgrids, making it way faster and smaller and enabling paraview to display surfaces instead of points
Marcel Paffrath
2015-10-01 17:30:57 +0200
ce57f184e7In order to calculate DC value and corner frequency of source spectrum a synthetic spectrum is calculated and optimized using scipys curve_fit.
Ludger Küperkoch
2015-09-29 11:17:47 +0200
8035903fa5Zero crossings are calculated to derive only P pulse for calculating source spectrum.
Ludger Küperkoch
2015-09-29 11:15:51 +0200
f7878cdb4aimplemented vgrids2VTK to surveyUtils
Marcel Paffrath
2015-09-28 10:20:26 +0200
3dc9bb3d06some pick plotting issues solved; replotting main window if picks have been changed, otherwise just plot additional/deleted picksSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2015-09-25 15:06:59 +0200
33164d4d1fcorrected for some python 3 compatibility issues; added a new delete picks button to the picking windowSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2015-09-25 09:03:59 +0200
b391f5e082Modified class DCfc: calculation of fft bins after Bath.
Ludger Küperkoch
2015-09-23 17:02:27 +0200
c790b4f353Implemented new class DCfc.
Ludger Küperkoch
2015-09-23 16:32:18 +0200
30ee81a39dNew class DCfc of object Magnitude for calculating source spectrum and to derive DC value and corner frequency.
Ludger Küperkoch
2015-09-23 16:31:48 +0200
d38adb75b2deleted import * from pylab
Marcel Paffrath
2015-09-23 14:11:24 +0200
217db9bbdd[bugfix] updated EPick nan fix
Marcel Paffrath
2015-09-22 13:41:19 +0200
844708bbac[hotfix] earllatepicker recursively modifies isignal to obtain zero-crossing also for low frequency onsetsSebastianw Wehling-Benatelli2015-09-22 12:29:42 +0200
dedf6eff00Changed earllatepicker. If EPick = Nan, signal window is doubled.
Marcel Paffrath
2015-09-22 11:58:43 +0200
ff2b50f615made some changes to make the code more idiomatic and renamed method convertPicks4PyLoT to updatePicksSebastian Wehling-Benatelli2015-09-18 09:54:29 +0200